Create connections.

Overcome boundaries.

Diversity is our strength, integration our goal – for a world without borders and full of opportunities.

Our partners

Our Support for Businesses and Job Seekers

Businesses and careers find new opportunities

We provide comprehensive support: we help companies find skilled professionals and assist candidates in securing a dignified job.

Our mission is to foster mutually beneficial cooperation while taking into account the individual needs of everyone involved – from employers to job seekers. We pay special attention to people with a migration background, helping them start a new life in Germany and successfully integrate into the labor market.

Our business navigator for founders

We can do that for you

We help refugees to become self-employed in Germany.

The German bureaucratic jungle is notorious. Don't let this stop you if you, as a refugee, want to start your own business here! We support you in all formal matters and help you to better understand the German mentality.

Gruppe 12


Learn German in an easy and quick way. We support you in this.

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Discover similarities and differences in business culture.

Gruppe 18

Rules of the game

Get to know laws and regulations in the German tax and legal system.

Do you have a business idea and would like to become self-employed in Germany? Are you from another country and looking for support?

Our partners


New and interesting

Career orientation and employment of Ukrainians in Germany. March 2024

NewWork association invites you to free seminars on career orientation and...

The Demo Dummy Image of the event
Düsseldorf welcomes founders with a migration background

The city of Düsseldorf provides people with a migrant background who...

The Demo Dummy Image of the event
Successful start-ups for migrants in Germany

People with a migrant background often have poor chances of...

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Active support on site

We are there for you – with knowledge and personal exchange!

The association focuses on information and public relations work as well as educational activities. We are constantly developing current models to support you. You can currently take advantage of the following offers from us:


Primary coaching for Ukrainians who want to start their own business (individual advice)

Meet & Greet

Meet-and-greet meeting in the Start-up Café (more information can be found under “Current events”

Language courses

German courses with a unique methodology and the result that people learn to speak German in 3 months

Thematic evenings

Thematic meetings with German experts on the topics of registration, business rules, psychology of the behavior of potential customers


For example, seminars on business psychology and others

Start-up ideas

For example, conducting business orientation tests

Business planning

Course on creating a business project

Do you have ideas on how we can support you? 

Next events

The association at a glance


The promotion and support of people with a migrant background in their integration. Maximum development of your personal potential and skills.

Target group

Refugees, migrants, resettles from different countries and cultures who have the intention, motivation, and skills to start their own business.


In addition to financial independence, there is also successful integration into society, where togetherness and belonging should be the basis.


The association's concept envisages the development of business models that are geared to the needs of society as a whole and are not limited to one's own cultural environment

“The future is in our hands”

New times require new solutions. We know how to balance the desire for personal development and the strengthening of your company and achieve stability.